Twitter / ngrpdev

Monday, April 11, 2011

Upcoming Update - v2.2 (Major)

I've been rather inactive with the blog, very sorry about that, but we've been extremely busy working on the next patch for the server which addresses major issues. Which are:
  • New Command Processor (Major Performance Upgrade - 4x-6x faster).
  • Fixes for other various Performance Issues (Script Efficiency is the best yet!) .
  • Vehicle System Desync Detection (Attempted Fix for various Vehicle System Related Bugs).
  • New Shop Vest Command for Shop Techs (New item for the store).
The brand new command processor is the coolest addition out of the bunch, previously our command processor used a 5 year old system that old GodFathers used, now we use a super fast processor that should end most of the text bottle necking and server-to-client lag. This actually caused most of the hold up, rewriting nearly half of our script (40k lines) isn't really the easiest thing on time.

We are working hard to get this update out on our beta server, and after that we will be introducing it toward our main server. We hope to have this out this week before the next weekend begins.


1 comment:

  1. Can you put dowload link for the script files?
